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Discovering the world of mammals.
Of all animals, mammals are the ones we feel closest to us; and not surprisingly, since we too are mammals. So are the most beloved guests of our homes, such as dogs and cats, as well as the tiger, the lion, the elephant. But the class of mammals is much larger: it includes around 5500 different species and presents an extraordinary variety in appearance and behaviour. They range from 3-4 centimeters in length and 2 grams in weight of the mustiolo, a tiny insect-hunting shrew, to 30 meters and 150 tons of the blue whale. This book will guide you to discover their extraordinary universe, presenting a rich overview of more or less well-known but always surprising and fascinating species, grouped according to the environments and geographical regions in which they live. Precise and suggestive illustrations show their appearance, simple but informative texts describe their behavior and particular adaptations. The videos selected on YouTube, also accessible via QR Code, will accompany children on an extraordinary journey to discover mammals, their lifestyle, their habitat and their main characteristics.
Reasons of interest
ISBN 978 2 88935 335 4