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Sea planet - atlas for children


Planet Sea is an atlas designed especially for children, illustrated in a playful way but with rigorous content, which teaches them to know and love the incredible heritage made up of the seas and oceans of the world.

The large maps dedicated to the various macro zones contain thousands of drawings, with reproductions of the most important species illustrated by a marine biology expert: each drawing corresponds to a caption and, to complement each section, simple but informative texts highlight the salient aspects of the various areas.

Suggestive reconstructions of some of the world's seabeds allow young readers to take a fascinating journey into the depths of the sea, while a series of QR Codes and links to dozens of selected videos on YouTube direct them to directly view the most important contents, transporting them to extraordinary places and allowing them to see various animal species in action or admire submerged wrecks. They will thus be able to immerse themselves in the abyss but also move between ports and lighthouses, lush coasts and singular boats, myths and legends of the populations of the sea.

Lots of exciting maps and videos to discover the seas and oceans of the world.

Reasons of interest:

  • High visual impact, with thousands of lively and colorful drawings dedicated to various marine species.
  • Great accuracy of visual and textual information, to learn everything about waves and tides, currents and ocean ridges.
  • Meticulous and curious illustrations that capture the child's attention, accentuating the playful functionality of the work.
  • Reproductions of great immediacy, with an abundance of details that literally invite you to immerse yourself in the large maps.
  • Further in-depth opportunities provided by the videos recommended for the various subjects.
  • Link to download and print all maps.
  • Size: 28.5 × 36.1 cm
  • 136 pages
  • 4 color printing
  • Hardcover

Angelo Mojetta, marine and underwater biologist, has collaborated with television networks, magazines and periodicals (National Geographic, AQVA, Oasis, Sub, Airone) and is the author of over 300 articles and 50 books. Today he edits the diving section for La magazine della Natura. He won the award for best guide at the 1997 Antibes World Underwater Image Festival and the Golden Trident of the International Academy of Underwater Sciences and Techniques in 2012.

Enrico Lavagno is the author of various volumes dedicated to the naturalistic and artistic beauties of the world. For NuiNui he created Planet Earth. Atlas for Children (2017).

Sacco E Vallarino, Mauro and Elisa, collaborate with various publishing houses as freelance illustrators. Illustration teachers at IED Turin, they dedicate themselves to the study and teaching of calligraphy. For NuiNui they created the illustrations for Planet Earth. Atlas for Children (2017).

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