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Vikings - Pop up


Leaf through the pages of this wonderful pop up book and bring to life many spectacular 3D scenes to discover this ancient civilization of sailors and warriors from Northern Europe. Take a step back in time and discover the daily life of the Vikings, their myths, the gods, such as Odin, the supreme god, participate in their battles with the best clan leaders such as Erik the Red, and witness their great feasts full of all sorts of delicacies. The 8 fantastic pop-ups will take you back in time to discover all the secrets of the Viking world.

Reasons of interest:

- 8 spectacular 3D reconstructions for a wonderful adventure in this ancient civilization

- The drakkar, the warriors, the gods, the kingdom of Asgard, Odin... An exciting journey into the past!

- Texts specially designed for children will accompany them in this magical world, to discover how the Vikings lived

Format: 255 × 226 mm
8 double pages open
with 8 pop-ups

Open format
255 × 450mm
4 color print on
hardback cardboard

ISBN: 9782889353118

DAVID HAWCOCK studied art in York (UK), graduating in graphic design, before creating a design studio in Bath specializing in children's books. For NuiNui he has created numerous volumes for various series such as pop up books and other successful books including Leonardo da Vinci. The incredible machines and Leonardo da Vinci. The flying machine.

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