208 pages
4 color printing
Dutch paperback
ISBN: 9782889352029
Mattia Zamboni is passionate about 3D computer graphics, photography and cars, which he enjoys creating with LEGO ® bricks. He is the author of numerous books, including the LEGO ® Build-It Book and Tiny LEGO ® Wonders series, and has contributed to several other best-selling volumes. He is a member of the Swiss Italian LEGO® Users Group (SILUG), for which he was LEGO ® Ambassador. Robotics researcher at the Professional University School of Italian Switzerland (SUPSI), he deals with artificial vision systems.
George Panteleon, a naval engineer, created a wide variety of works, with a penchant for scale modeling, from cars to large sculptures, becoming a true artist. His work has been published in many LEGO ® books and magazines and he is known in the community as ZetoVince. He is a co-founder and executive member of the Greek LEGO® Users Group (Gricks).