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Birds of the World - An illustrated guide for children aged 0 to 109


The world of birds is a fascinating universe, with beautifully colored plumage, melodious songs, spectacular courtship displays and extraordinary flying abilities. This guide offers young readers a vivid example of the incredible variety of behavior in the world of birds. The volume is enriched by a series of introductory pages on the different flight, nesting and plumage techniques. Each chapter is then dedicated to a particular geographical area and the tables present some of the most representative species of the different environments that characterize it.

A handy and easy to consult book thanks to the practical "travel" format.

Reasons of interest:

  • Spectacular illustrations of birds and fantastic large-scale reconstructions of their natural habitats
  • For each species, a sheet showing the common and scientific name and dimensions, as well as an informative legend.
  • QR codes for a detailed understanding of the behavior and lifestyle of these birds
  • An accessible and easy to understand guide, thanks also to its practical format

Size: 15.4 × 21.7 cm
Number of pages: 320
ISBN: 9782889750665
February 24, 2023

Graduated in literature, passionate ornithologist and photographer, CESARE DELLA PIETÀ taught for several years before dedicating himself, starting in 1985, to naturalistic dissemination as editor-in-chief and scientific director of numerous magazines.

SHISHI NGUYEN is a Vietnamese artist, illustrator and designer specialized in the representation of nature in its various aspects. He has illustrated several children's books and published his evocative and refined works in important magazines around the world. For NuiNui he illustrated fish of the world and other marine animals.

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